Julianne Nicholson and newcomer Zoe Ziegler are mother and daughter in Janet Planet, the acclaimed feature debut of Pulitzer prize-winning playwright Annie Baker. Over a long summer in leafy western Massachusetts, eleven-year-old Lacy finds ways to pass the time with her mum Janet, an acupuncturist. Several different lovers and friends drift in and out of Janet’s isolated life but Lacy isn’t keen on many of them for stealing her mum’s attention away from her. Soon enough, the beginning of the sixth grade looms but Lacy isn’t quite ready to step out from her little forest.
“A miracle of a debut... Annie Baker is a major cinematic voice”
“A tiny masterpiece... so carefully constructed, so loaded with details and emotions and gentle comedy, that it’s impossible to shake once it gets under your skin”
“This is not just one of the great films of its year, but one of the finest first films in the annals of the medium”
One of the most moving and accurate depictions of childhood boredom, memory and time we’ve ever seen on film, Annie Baker’s shift from stage to the camera is astounding for just how cinematic and non-dramatic it is. Janet Planet is a film of long afternoons and the small details that linger in memory longer than the actual events surrounding them. It’s a film about your mum being your entire world and loathing anything that keeps her from you. It’s also a portrait of suddenly finding yourself in a lonely adulthood you didn’t see coming, still figuring out who you are. It’s one of favourite debuts of recent memory and we’re very pleased to finally welcome you to Janet Planet.